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$ 0.0015

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$ 0.0007 - $ 0.0031

Cost per second


ElevenLabs Dubbing is an AI model to translate and dub audio content. It streamlines the process of making your audio multilingual, allowing you to reach a wider audience without needing traditional recording studios or voice actors for each target language.

Using ElevenLabs Dubbing

  • Audio Input: Upload audio files directly.

  • Language Selection: The model can automatically identify the source language of your audio. You can also manually choose from a list of supported languages. The model supports 29 languages, you can dub your content between any pair of these languages.

  • Target Language Selection: Select the language you want your audio translated into. ElevenLabs offers 29 languages at present: Chinese, Korean, Dutch, Turkish, Swedish, Indonesian, Filipino, Japanese, Ukrainian, Greek, Czech, Finnish, Romanian, Russian, Danish, Bulgarian, Malay, Slovak, Croatian, Classic Arabic, Tamil, English, Polish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Hindi and Portuguese.

  • AI-powered Dubbing: The model will translate the audio content while attempting to match the speaker's voice characteristics, intonation, and emotional delivery in the target language.

Benefits of Using ElevenLabs Dubbing

  • Simplified Workflow: Eliminate the need for traditional dubbing studios and voice actors for each target language. Translate and dub your audio content efficiently within a single platform.

  • Multilingual Reach: Expand the reach of your audio content by making it accessible to audiences speaking different languages.

  • Cost-effective Solution: Potentially reduce production costs associated with traditional dubbing methods.

  • Time-saving: Streamline your audio translation and dubbing process compared to conventional methods.